Antique & Vintage Military
Welcome to our Antique & Vintage Military Category... below we have a selection of Military Items for you to peruse over. If you would like more information on any item then please click on the large picture to reveal more details and up to 20 pictures, If you require any further information please feel free to contact
Showing 22 of 22 results
Antique 1918 Hughes & Co Staffordshire China Fluted Bon Bon Dish WW1 Great War Armistice Flags
£18.00 -
Antique 19thC Kohler Silver Plate Beaufort Conical Whistle 1852 2nd Burma War Department Military
£95.00 -
Antique English Sterling Silver Miniature Rifle Clubs Spoon Walter Trickett Sheffield 1915 WW1 Rd No
£16.00 -
Antique German Leather Cased Double Campaign Folding Cutlery Picnic Set Glasses Corkscrew Travel
£175.00 -
Antique Hudson 13 Barr Street Birmingham Metropolitan Patent Diaphragm Indian Army Whistle GSW 1905
£135.00 -
Antique W.O War Office Model Binoculars Field Glasses in Leather Case 1910-1920s WW1 Army Military
£30.00 -
Original Antique Military WW1 1915 J Hudson Co Birmingham Trench Desk Whistle Great War Wood Base
£125.00 -
Original Vintage Military Pre WW2 1938 J Hudson Co Birmingham GSW Whistle War Department
£50.00 -
Original Vintage Military WW2 1940 J Hudson Co Birmingham GSW Whistle War
£50.00 -
Original Vintage Military WW2 J Hudson & Co Birmingham ARP Air Raid Precautions Whistle Home Front
£25.00 -
Scarce Vintage India Escargot Whistle RAM 1942 WW2 Indian Military Army
£55.00 -
Vintage Britannia Designs Dartmouth Pottery HMS Liverpool Pint Tankard Mug 1950s Pub Bar Royal Navy
£25.00 -
Vintage Field Service Pocket Book 1938 c/w 12 Pamphlets WW2 Military Wartime 1939 1940 Handbook
£65.00 -
Vintage Military British Army NATO Post WW2 J Hudson & Co General Service Whistle 973-7001 GSW
£18.00 -
Vintage Military WW2 British Army DLR No.5 H ITBA5 Finnigans Radio Headset Headphones
£45.00 -
Vintage Small 'Dreadnought' Tin Can Opener Military Army Style Field Camping c/w Original Card
£14.00 -
Vintage Treen HMS Iron Duke Teak Match Vesta Barrel 1950s Nautical Marine WW1 WW2 Royal Navy
£30.00 -
Vintage Treen HMS Ormonde Teak Smokers Pipe Rest 1930s 1940s Nautical Marine WW1 Royal Navy
£35.00 -
Vintage Treen HMS Queen Elizabeth Teak Letter Opener Nautical Marine WW1 WW2 Royal Navy Earl Beatty
£25.00 -
Vintage Treen HMS Queen Elizabeth Teak Match Vesta Barrel 1950s Nautical Marine WW1 WW2 Royal Navy
£30.00 -
Vintage Treen HMS Wellesley 1815 Cornwall Teak Match Vesta Barrel 1950s Nautical Marine WW1 WW2
£30.00 -
Vintage Treen HMS Worcester Teak Napkin Ring Nautical Marine WW1 WW2 Royal Navy Sovereign